Health Benefits
Ancient grains offer a whole host of powerful health gains, which are not associated with more modern grains.
Ancient grains are good for you
There are many, many reasons why our ancient grains are so special, & tangible health benefits is one of them. With consumers becoming increasingly health conscious, ancient grains are an effective way of introducing higher dietary nutrition & fibre into daily diets.
Choose Craggs & Co
Making bread with spelt flour, or any baked good for that matter, brings a whole host of health gains that can’t be found in other types of flour (like modern commercial grains).
That’s why over 60% of our customers said nutritional value was their number one reason for choosing Craggs & Co.

A tasty & healthy ingredient

Ancient grains are gentle for the digestive tract, can strengthen the immune & nervous system, & offer higher protein & fibre content. See below the list of health benefits that explain why ancient grains are continually increasing in popularity as a tasty & healthy ingredient.
Controls migraine headaches
Contain high levels of riboflavin. Riboflavin has been proven to reduce the frequency and the severity of migraine headaches.
Lowers the risk of heart disease
Contains niacin. Niacin is a water soluble vitamin that is a vital component for reducing the formation of blood clots and reducing cholesterol levels. By eating just two ounces of spelt it can supply 24% of your daily value of Niacin. Eating spelt can also slow the progression of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). It certainly doesn’t cure it, but it’s definitely a natural way to help the situation!
Healthy Digestion
The combination of high fibre and low gluten content makes ancient grains much easier to digest than traditional wheat. That’s great news for anyone suffering from digestive issues, including irritable bowel syndrome.
Helps maintain hormonal balance
A very good source of niacin. Niacin helps to regulate the production of hormones in the body via the endocrine system. This very delicate system is responsible for all kinds of important bodily functions so maintaining a good supply of niacin is vital for your general health and wellbeing.
Boosts blood circulation, increases energy levels
The high levels of iron and copper combine to significantly boost circulation. Iron and copper are essential for the creation of red blood cells. When red blood cell production is up there is increased blood flow throughout the body. This means increased healing, boosted energy levels, and a more functional metabolism. Increased circulation can even boost hair growth, while the iron content helps the body avoid becoming anaemic.
Help improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis
Ancient grains have an impressive range of essential minerals, including Zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorous, and selenium, that will strengthen your bones and teeth. They can help to prevent the age-related weakening of bones in old age and diseases like osteoporosis.
Stimulates and boosts the immune system
Contain a wonderful nutrient called thiamine. This nutrient is known to boost the immune system and improve the body’s defence against infection and disease.
Helps manage diabetes and other insulin-resistance diseases
Unlike the simple carbohydrates that are found in sugar and refined flour, the high fibre and complex carbohydrates that are found in ancient grains don’t cause blood sugar level spikes. By regulating the release of insulin and glucose in the body, it helps to manage diabetes for those who already suffer from the condition, or prevent more people from developing it.
Helps prevent gallstones
The high amount of insoluble fibre plays a big part in the prevention of gallstones, particularly in women. Excessive amounts of bile acids can cause gallstones to form. However, insoluble fibre can increase how quickly food moves through the intestines and also reduce the secretion of bile acids.